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Senin, 22 September 2008

NHL 09 on XBOX 360 - Unreadable Discs?

NHL 09So, I went out and bought NHL 09 last week when it came out and enjoyed a few fun-filled hours with my son until the game stopped working.  We thought it might be the copy so we brought it back to Wal-Mart to exchange it for a new one.  Guess what?  The new disc doesn’t work either.  I’ve never actually had a problem like this before so when that second disc didn’t work, I decided to search around on the internet and guess what I found?  More people having the exact same problem with NHL 09 but it seems to be confined to the XBOX 360 version.  Since I don’t have/don’t want Playstation 3 and the game isn’t available on Wii, I needed to find something that could fix the problem. 

Here’s a tip that I found on the IGN boards that worked for me (let’s hope it continues to work):

  1. Check to see if your game disc works without the Hard Drive or any memory units plugged in.

  2. If it works, then plug your hard drive back in and clear your cache:
    To do this, go to Console Settings, Memory, then press Y for Device Options and press - X,X,LB,RB,X,X - the xbox will ask you if you would like to perform a system maintenance and you say yes. This will erase all game updates you have downloaded but you can get them back. Don’t forget to erase your NHL 09 save data as well … and VOILA!

Don’t get me started on how dumb this problem is…

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