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Jumat, 20 Juni 2008


Mengobati Jerawat dengan Cara Alami

JAKARTA – Jerawat merupakan jenis penyakit kulit yang biasa ditemukan di semua kalangan, terutama remaja. Penyebabnya antara lain faktor keturunan, ketidakseimbangan hormon, bakteri, tekanan psikologis, dan cuaca.
Umumnya jerawat muncul pada masa remaja, tapi tidak jarang orang dewasa yang mengalaminya. Bagi kaum perempuan jerawat bisa muncul apabila datang haid atau hamil dan bisa muncul di bagian tubuh mana saja, tidak hanya di wajah. Selain itu alergi terhadap obat tertentu juga dapat merangsang tumbuhnya jerawat.
Munculnya jerawat juga sering dikaitkan dengan konsumsi makanan tertentu seperti kacang-kacangan, cokelat, atau goreng-gorengan. Meski demikian belum ada hasil penelitian yang menguatkan dugaan ini.
Semua tipe jerawat —baik komedo, jerawat biasa, maupun jerawat batu— memang sangat mengganggu. Namun cara-cara berikut ini dapat dilakukan sendiri guna mencegah maupun mengobati jerawat. Bahan-bahan berasal dari sekitar kita dengan cara yang tidak sulit dan menyita waktu.

Cuci Muka
Kulit wajah yang berminyak atau wajah yang mempunyai kecenderungan muncul jerawat harus dibersihkan dua kali sehari. Sangat dianjurkan mencuci muka dengan pembersih yang PH-nya sedikit asam untuk menjaga kebersihan wajah yang berjerawat.
Air seduhan 7-10 lembar daun sirih (Piper betle) mujarab untuk mematikan bakteri yang menyebabkan jerawat sehingga dapat digunakan untuk mencuci muka sebanyak dua atau tiga kali sehari.
Menurut pengalaman beberapa orang, membasuh wajah dengan air es juga dapat mengurangi timbulnya jerawat. Hal ini dipercaya dapat mengurangi minyak pada wajah.
Belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi), yang ditumbuk halus dan dicampur dengan sedikit air garam juga dapat digunakan untuk membersihkan wajah berjerawat. Menurut beberapa ahli kulit, belimbing wuluh bersifat sejuk, dan berkhasiat sebagai antiradang dan astrigen (memperkecil pori-pori kulit wajah).
Wajah berjerawat juga lebih segar jika diuapi dengan seduhan satu bungkus daun teh. Sebungkus kecil daun teh yang diseduh dengan air panas baru mendidih, lalu uapkan pada wajah yang berjerawat.

Sementara buah mengkudu dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai masker pemulus wajah. Masker mengkudu tidak hanya mengatasi jerawat, panu, kulit yang keriput dan kering pun hilang lenyap, otot-otot muka menjadi lebih relaks.
Jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantium) yang dioleskan pada wajah malam hari sebelum tidur dan baru dibersihkan pada pagi harinya, dapat digunakan untuk menghilangkan jerawat. Hal yang sama juga dapat dilakukan dengan buah tomat (Solanum lycopersicum).
Masker lain yang dapat digunakan mengatasi jerawat adalah masker temulawak (Curcuma xanthorizza). Kompres wajah dengan air es setelah menggunakan masker akan membantu meningkatkan hasilnya.
Daun dewa dan mahkota dewa juga berkhasiat sebagai obat jerawat. Tanaman lain yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai masker antijerawat adalah tumbukan pucuk daun jambu batu (Psidium guajava). Lidah buaya (Aloe vera) yang terkenal dapat menghaluskan kulit juga dapat digunakan sebagai masker penghilang jerawat.
Kentang (Potato solanum tuberosum) juga dapat dikompreskan pada jerawat. Potongan kentang yang diiris tipis-tipis ditempelkan pada kulit yang meradang karena jerawat hingga warna kentang keabu-abuan dan kering.
Sedangkan flek-flek hitam di wajah bekas jerawat dapat dihilangkan dengan masker jagung (Zea mays) muda atau bengkoang. Parutan jagung muda atau bengkoang dioleskan ke bagian-bagian yang hitam lalu diamkan sampai mengering.
Jerawat jenis komedo dapat dihilangkan dengan masker peel off dari gelatin buatan sendiri. Bahan-bahannya: satu sendok makan bubuk gelatin yang bisa dibeli di pasar swalayan, dua sendok makan susu cair dingin, dan satu butir putih telur. Susu cair dingin dan gelatin dicampur lalu dipanaskan, jaga jangan sampai menggumpal. Setelah leleh, dinginkan sampai hangat, lalu campurkan dengan putih telur. Oleskan adonan tadi ke wajah, kecuali seputar mata dan bibir. (nat)


Herbal Remedies for Diabetes Mellitus

by Gabriell Lateyf

I have scoured the ancient Ayurveda and folk writing of India to look for some herbal cures for mild cases of Diabetes Mellitus. It seems a shame to be on drugs for the whole of ones life, for any problem of the body. At times there may be no recourse but to be on insulin and drugs to control this problem. However there is no harm in trying these herbs. There are many positive cases and at times the patient’s response to these herbs is excellent. However not all humans respond in the same way. So experiment a bit, check your blood sugar levels regularly and try to keep a track of the benefits of these herbs as applicable to your body. If you can find a continuous positive response, you may, after consultation with your physician or doctor start to reduce your allopathic medicines.
Three very effective measures against Diabetes Mellitus are:
Light Daily Exercise: A brisk walk twice a day for a couple of Kilometers each time is very useful in control of blood sugar levels. This is a must for all patients of Diabetes.
Reduce Obesity: If you are overweight for your height and age, you need to reduce your weight. However for patients of diabetes, it is important to reduce the body weight slowly under doctor supervision. The benefits are immense.
Diet Control : Stop over eating and follow a doctors recommended diet strictly.

Some Herbs are found to be effective against Diabetes. I am giving their local name / Latin names and also the method by which the same have to prepared and ingested.

One well known and ancient remedy is Bitter Gourd. This vegetable is an effective cure against diabetes and has been used for time immemorial against this problem. However it may not be effective in all cases but is worth a try. Squeeze and crush the vegetable in a juicer or by hand to collect one ounce (approximately 6 – 7 tea spoons) in a glass. The juice will be very bitter. Drink this juice on empty stomach in the morning and also once in the evening. Try this therapy for at least 30 days to find improvement in blood sugar levels. This therapy is practiced in many households for effective control of diabetes and has been found to be curative also in some cases. So try it.

Fenugreek is also an effective curative herb for this problem. A tablespoonful of fenugreek leaf juice taken early in the morning for about three months has been found to cure early stages of Diabetes Mellitus. The powder of Fenugreek seeds is also effective in this condition. Crush the seeds in a blender and take 5 grams of this powder twice a day with curds to find positive results.

One teaspoon of cinnamon powder taken twice a day , morning and evening with water has also been found to be effective against Diabetes. This is an easy remedy so all patients of this problem , must try it for two to three weeks to find, if it is effective for them or not.

Some other common herbs found useful in treating Diabetes Mellitus are Jamun and its seeds, Gulair (Ficus Glomerata), Coriander seeds, Lettuce, Red rose flower & Fennel seeds. a mixture of the powders from these herbs taken twice a day , is also found to be effective for this problem.

There are a few herbal powders available in the market, which use a combination of two or more of the above herbs. They may be also tried for treatment of this disease. At times for some body types, they can be very effective.

In conclusion, diabetes patient needs to exercise regularly, cut down on white sugar, reduce weight if obese and try some natural herbs. A combination of the above treatment and lifestyle change can work wonders. Take your pick and experiment to find the best solution to your problem.

Foods for a healthy heart
Super headache cures
What is diabetes?

Disclaimer: The article and tips are for guidance only. Use them at your own risk and discretion. We take no responsibility for any suggestion given above. We strongly urge you consult a qualified professional doctor to find a lasting cure for any problem. The views expressed are the personal views of the author. We take no responsibility for same. Please consult a professional, before using any information on this site. No liability of any kind is accepted by us.

Selasa, 17 Juni 2008


Why is Finland Europe's technology leader? The prime minister explains

Although it's on the fringe of Europe geographically, Finland has for years been at the center of the continent's tech industry.

The country gave birth to cell phone leader Nokia and has emerged as a place where multinationals like to recruit and erect labs. The government and local entrepreneurs are now moving into clean technology.

It can be traced back to policies set up in the early 1980s, said Matti Vanhanen, the country's prime minister, during an interview with CNET on Wednesday afternoon. The country saw the dawning of globalization and realized it would have to dig out a high-end niche in the industry.

"Because we cannot compete with Asian companies with low wages, our only possibility has been to stay a few steps forward," he said. "Of course, we also invested in education."

Funding for research and development has also consistently remained fairly high, he added.

"As a nation, around 3.5 percent of our gross domestic product goes into R&D. There are only two or three nations that spend that much," he said. The E.U. as a whole wants to raise the figure for member states to 3 percent.

"But we (the E.U.) are far away from that. Most members are at 2 percent, but Sweden and Finland are already there," Vanhanen added.

Roughly two-thirds of the R&D funds in Finland come from the private sector, but one-third comes from the government. "There is a good relationship between private and public funding, but it is not the state's role not to determine where the money should go. It has to be very market oriented," he said.

Vanhanen is traveling around the U.S. this week to promote Finland as a technology hub as well as highlight the issue of climate change. Earlier in the week he met with Vice President Dick Cheney and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Today, he's in Seattle with Bill Gates. Next, it's off to France to visit Nicolas Sarkozy. (The finance minister, meanwhile, was dispatched to China.)

Last year, the government set up an organization in Silicon Valley called FinNode to encourage cross-border cooperation. (It functions in a similar way to Japan's Jetro.)

An outspoken critic of nuclear power and proponent of energy conservation, Vanhanen outlined his views on climate change. In short, governments need to start acting.

"I'm a little pessimistic about what we can achieve in the short term, but the answer can't be that we can't do anything," he said. "If we don't do anything, it will be a disaster."

The next major milestone for the world lay in coming up with new emissions standards to follow the Kyoto Protocol. A summit to hammer out these issues will take place in Copenhagen toward the end of 2009.

Because of its northern location, Finland actually consumes more energy, per capita, than most other nations. As part of an effort to curb emissions, a law was passed a few months ago imposing carbon taxes on cars. Cars that get better mileage pay far lower taxes than high emission, lower mileage cars. The range of taxes goes from 10 percent of the car's value to 40 percent.

"Small cars now cost about $10,000 less than last year, and big passenger cars that pollute a lot can cost $50,000 more than last year," he said. "We will see in the next months what kind of changes in consumer behavior this causes."

Despite the pessimism of getting anything done in the short term, Vanhanen added that he's somewhat optimistic when it comes to technological breakthroughs.

"Twenty years ago, you couldn't imagine what we have now with information technology," he said.



Rabu, 18/06/2008 05:38 WIB
Pirlo Nyawa Italia
Kardhika Cipta Binangkit - detikSport

Reuters/Max RossiReuters/Max Rossi
Jakarta - Italia akhirnya lolos dari lubang jarum setelah mengandaskan Prancis 2-0. Jika ditanya kepada siapa pasukan Azzurri harus berterimakasih, jawabannya adalah Andrea Pirlo.

Pada pertandingan "hidup-mati" yang berlangsung pada Rabu (18/6/2008) dinihari WIB, usaha dan gelombang serangan yang dilakukan Italia tidak kunjung berhasil menembus gawang Prancis. Baru di menit ke-25, Pirlo sukses memecah kebuntuan dengan gol penaltinya.

Tendangan hukuman dijatuhkan wasit Luca Toni dilanggar Eric Abidal di kotak penalti. Pirlo dengan dingin menyarangkan bola ke kanan gawang Les Bleus yang dikawal Gregory Coupet.

Kemenangan Italia semakin pasti setelah Daniele De Rossi mencetak gol kedua dari tendangan bebas setelah sepakannya berbelok arah karena membentur tembok Prancis. 2-0 untuk Italia.

Namun peran Pirlo di pertandingan ini tidak hanya sebagai pembuka kemenangan Italia, tapi ia adalah nyawa bagi Azzurri. Ketenangannya di lapangan dan akurasi operan yang dimilikinya adalah kunci utama yang membuat permainan timnya lebih hidup.

Berposisi sebagai gelandang tengah, serangan-serangan Italia memang bermula dari Pirlo. Pemain berusia 29 tahun ini dengan sempurna menjalankan peran sebagai playmaker dan penyeimbang permainan Azzurri.

Tapi sebelum mantap berposisi sebagai pemain jangkar sekaligus playmaker, Pirlo malah berposisi sebagai gelandang menyerang. Adalah Carlo Ancelotti yang mengubah peran top skorer Piala Eropa Junior 2000 ini. Dan terbukti di posisi barunya, performanya malah semakin ciamik.

Mengawali karir di Brescia, performanya kemudian memikat klub besar, Inter Milan, untuk merekrutnya. Namun di klubnya Masimmo Moratti ini kemampuannya malah kurang berkembang. Pirlo hanya 22 kali tampil untuk Inter dan dipinjamkan ke Reggina dan klub lamanya Brescia.

Di tahun 2001, barulah AC Milan yang memanfaatkan bakat besar yang dimiliki Pirlo. Di klub barunya inilah pemain yang identik dengan nomor 21 ini menemukan performa terbaiknya. Total 30 gol ia catatkan dari 208 pertandingan.

Sementara di timnas Italia, Pirlo mengawali debutnya di tahun 2002. Namun yang paling sensasional adalah ketika ia membawa negaranya menjadi kampiun Piala Dunia 2006. Pirlo tidak hanya berperan sebagai penyeimbang, tapi juga menjadi roh permainan Italia. Ia memberi assist untuk Fabio Grosso saat Italia menekuk Jerman.

Di Euro 2008, Italia tidak bisa lepas dari pengoleksi tujuh gol dari 49 caps ini. Bila kehilangan Fabio Cannavaro bisa mulai digantikan, maka umpan-umpan akurat plus eksekusi bola-bola mati jitu Pirlo bisa jadi sulit dicari gantinya.

Sayangnya, Pirlo bakal absen saat Italia berjumpa Spanyol di perempatfinal nanti. Akumulasi kartu kuning membuatnya mendapat hukuman larangan tampil satu kali. Saat itulah, Italia akan mendapat ujian berat karena mereka tampil tanpa 'sang nyawa'.

( arp / roz )
Berita Lain


UK: Master Scholarships in Information System and Development Study
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Deadline: June 30, 2008 Two scholarships are being made available to developing country applicants wishing to study on either of the following University of Manchester one-year Masters degrees: * MSc in ICTs for Development * MSc in Management and Information Systems: Change & Development One full .. .. read more..

IT Support / Analyst Job Vacancy
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

At Kimberly-Clark Indonesia, People Who Think Differently Think Together To support our rapid business growth in Indonesia, we are inviting high caliber individuals to grow further our business as well as to build exciting & rewarding career together with us: IT Support / Analyst Requirements:.. .. read more..

D3 S1 Lowongan Kerja Medan Surabaya Jakarta
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

JOB VACANCY We are a fast growing telecommunication services company inviting professionals to fulfill below challenging positions: 1. PROJECT MANAGER (PR-MG) - Male/Female, max.35 years old, S1 in Telecommunication/Civil Engineering - Exp. min.5 years in doing Ericsson product & installation .. .. read more..

World Bank Master Scholarship
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

University of Tsukuba offers Policy Management master program.This Program has been operating from April 1995 and it is the oldest Partner Program in Japan of the Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program, a large scholarship program funded by the Government of Japan and managed by the Wo.. .. read more..

Asian Science Camp 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008

Asian Science Camp 2008 August 3-9, 2008, Inna Grand Bali Beach Bali, Sanur-Bali, Indonesia · A rare first-hand opportunity for 500 Asian students / teachers to share thought with and learn from Nobel Laureates (in Physics, Chemistry, Biology,Medicine) and other world-class scientists. · Internat.. .. read more..
Supported by Feed Informer

World Bank Job Careers Vacancy
June 17, 2008

Welcome to the World Bank Job Opportunities Section

The best people produce the best outputs. That’s why we are constantly on the lookout for bright, ambitious team players who have a strong commitment to improving society, the environment, even themselves. We strive to hire and retain the best talent in the industry from a variety of backgrounds and cultures. Communication, creative problem solving and decision-making skills, planning and organization, and technical expertise are common characteristics of the World Bank associate. Flexibility in assuming varied work assignments is also important, especially in achieving long-term career growth at the organization.

Langganan Info Lowongan CPNS PNS BUMN by Email, klik disini!
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June 15, 2008

Talentpool Indonesia is a human capital solution provider focusing in the services of executive search and Human Resource consulting firm in Jakarta.

One of our client is the world’s largest, most diversified manufacturer of healthcare products serving the consumer, pharmaceutical and professional markets, operating in 57 countries with worldwide sales of over than US$50 billion, is currently looking for :


(IM Officer)

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HR OFFICER position for Telecommunication Company
June 14, 2008


We are a fast growing telecommunication services company (ISO 9001:2000 certified) inviting professionals to fulfill below challenging positions:



· Female

· Age max.28 years old

· Min.S1 degree Psychology/Management/Any major

· Min. GPA 3,00

· Preferable 1 year experienced in similar position or Fresh Graduate is welcome,
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June 13, 2008


ANZ is accelerating the growth of its business to meet the needs of more customers in Asia. Our solid foundation for significant growth and investment has been built over more than 35 years since ANZ opened its first office in Asia. We recognize our greatest asset is our people. That is why we are creating a unique climate of inspiration, leadership and great opportunities that will be enable the best in market to thrive as part of our diverse team.

ANZ is planning a rapid expansion of its Retail Network and Corporate Banking in Indonesia. Over the next five years our aim is for our business to grow rapidly and become a significant major bank in Indonesia. To support this growth there are currently a number of graduate opportunities within our Corporate Banking and Retail Team. We invite applications from talented applicants who are suitably qualified, committed and Indonesian citizens.

Langganan Info Lowongan CPNS PNS BUMN by Email, klik disini!
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Maintenance Coordinator (MC) at PT. SMART Tbk
June 12, 2008

PT. SMART Tbk. is a large and established group and major world player in agro-related industries and consumer goods under the umbrella of SINAR MAS GROUP - one of well establish conglomerate in Indonesia.
PT. SMART Tbk. ia an integrated palm-based consumer company that have owns and manages plantations, mills and refineries which manufacturated branded and unbranded cooking oil, branded margarine, fats and shortening. SMART’s products are divided into three catagories : Retail, Industrial and Bulk.

We have a large oil palm plantations at Sumatera, Kalimantan , Papua, and our refineries located in Surabaya (Kawasan Rungkut Industri) & Medan (Belawan).
Our retail products are designed for household consumption. Whereas Industrial products are aimed at supplying noodle factories, confection factories, bakeries, fast food chains, hotels, hospitals, restaurant, and so forth.

Langganan Info Lowongan CPNS PNS BUMN by Email, klik disini!
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BHP Billiton; 5 job positions
June 11, 2008

BHP Billiton; 5 positions
Posting date : Monday, June 09, 2008 Expiry date : Monday, June 23, 2008

bhp billiton

BHP Billiton is currently undertaking a study to determine the feasibility of developing a significant laterite nickel deposit in Eastern Indonesia. The opportunity would involve the construction of world-class mining facilities, a process plant and associated infrastructure. If you have an overriding commitment to health, safety, environmental responsibility and sustainable development we invite you to join our dynamic high performance project team in Jakarta.


This is a key role managing the security operations and related requirements for the multiple locations within the Pearl Project where you will provide a coordinated approach to the provision of security on the Project and anticipate the upcoming requirements in the Study phase to BHP Billiton standards.
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Indonesia Power Lowongan BUMN Pertamina

PT Indonesia Power
lowongan kerja juni, June 07, 2008 Expiry date : Saturday, June 21, 2008

Untuk Anda Kandidat Terbaik

PT Indonesia Power, membuka kesempatan berkarir bagi warga Negara Indonesia untuk program studi non kependidikan :

1. S1 & D3 Teknik Mesin (Konversi Energi Metalurgi/Material).
2. S1 & D3 Teknik Elektro (Arus Kuat).
3. S1 & D3 Teknik Fisika, Teknik Elektro (Elektronika, Kontrol instrumen).
4. S1 & D3 Teknik Sipil.
5. S1 & D3 Teknik Kimia, Teknik Lingkungan.
6. D3 Teknik Informatika.
7. D3 Manajemen Keuangan, Akuntansi, Perpajakan.
8. D3 Administrasi Bisnis, Administrasi Niaga, Ilmu Komunikasi.
Langganan Info Lowongan CPNS PNS BUMN by Email, klik disini!
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Management Trainee Lowongan Terbaru
June 10, 2008

Valbury is one of Indonesia’s leading investments companies. By being a part of us you’ll be exposed to various aspects of Indonesia as well as the world’s financial products and services. Choose a career at Valbury and enjoy an innovative environment where challenging and interesting work is part of daily life.

Management Trainee (Derivatives Trading)
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TECHNIP Lowongan Kerja Teknik
June 9, 2008

TECHNIP; 6 Positions
Posting date: June 05, 2008 Expiry date: June 19, 2008

TECHNIP is a leading provider of Engineering, Technologies and Construction services for oil and gas, petrochemical and other industries; with its 22,000 people worldwide and annual revenues of almost 7 billion euros. TECHNIP has been ranked by American Engineering Weekly in its 2007 list of “Top 225 International Contractors” as 1st for the World Industrial / Petroleum Market.
In Asia-Pacific, Technip has been present for more than 20 years. As part of its expansion in Asia-Pacific, Technip established a subsidiary in Indonesia: PT. Technip Indonesia (PTTI), which services the Indonesian Oil and Gas, Petrochemical and General Industrial sectors. PTTI covers offshore and onshore field development, gas processing and liquefaction, refining and onshore pipelines. In non-oil sectors, PTTI covers fertilizers, chemicals, cement, life sciences, power generation and other growth market industries.
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PT Danareksa (Persero) lowongan kerja bumn terbaru

A career in state-owned enterprise and capital market is the road less traveled by young bright professionals, who prefer to work in multinational companies and banks. Still PT Danareksa (Persero) - the leading state-owned investment bank - has long committed itself to lead the way on that less traveled road. Thus, to promote Indonesian infant capital market and develop our company, we sought for fine men and women who are eager to make the difference between the ordinary and extraordinary, between everyday professionals and exceptional ones, and to contribute to the nation.
Langganan Info Lowongan CPNS PNS BUMN by Email, klik disini!
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Minggu, 08 Juni 2008

Manfaat green tea

Green Tea Report

How do you fit a miracle in a cup?

Dating back more than 4,000 years, Chinese diet green tea has been long revered as a tasty drink that can ward off diseases and improve one’s well-being. Since its first recorded use during the time of Emperor Shen Nung, the link between Chinese diet green tea and good health has never been severed. It’s been used as treatment for everything from headaches to depression. Today, various health benefits of green tea are constantly being reported and many scientists are now focusing their attention on the simple, yet elegantly profound beverage that is green tea.

Where It Comes From

Like all three of the major Asian teas in the market, green tea comes from the plant called Carmellia sinensis. Much of the health benefits of green tea diets owe to the steaming method of making it. As opposed to black and oolong tea which undergoes full oxidization, green tea diet is only gently steamed, preserving the natural antioxidants in its original form.

The antioxidants in green tea helps fight away free radicals. These free radicals are the major contributing factors to aging as well as the ensuing degeneration of cells as a result of it. Scientists have reason to believe that free radicals also play a role in various degenerative diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism, Alzheimer’s disease, and even cancer.

A Drink Steeped With Tradition

According to tradition, Chinese diet green tea could cure anything from headaches, body aches, and pains to constipation and depression. Over the centuries, further more health claims are made on account of Chinese diet green tea.

Chinese diet green tea is said to increase the blood flow throughout the body. Because Chinese diet green tea contains a little caffeine, ingesting this drink stimulates the heart and allows the blood to flow more freely through the blood vessels. For the same reason that Chinese diet green tea stimulates blood flow, it also stimulates mental clarity.

Chinese diet green tea detoxifies the body. The presence of polyphenols, a naturally occurring antioxidant in Chinese diet green tea, the beverage is said to combat harmful free radicals and help keep the body free from diseases. In this regard, Chinese diet green tea helps maintain the overall well-being of the body. Antioxidants in Chinese diet green tea can boost immunity, preserve young-looking skin, and brighten the eyes.

Chinese diet green tea aids in digestion and banishes fatigue. Chinese diet green tea is also said to prolong the lifespan.

For many years, men of science remained skeptical about the health claims made by Chinese diet green tea enthusiasts. Their doubt was changed to a more positive reception when subsequent researchers proved the disease-preventing attributes of Chinese diet green tea and confirmed most of the health claims.

The Secret to Longevity?

That just might be.

The role of Chinese diet green tea in promoting longevity has been investigated upon by many researchers. They found the premise of their study on observing that Japanese women who are greater-than-average Chinese diet green tea drinkers; have lower mortality rates compared to others. This led the researchers to believe that Chinese diet green tea has “a protective factor against premature death.”

The polyphenols found in Chinese diet green tea may be held accountable. With its high amount of polyphenols, Chinese diet green tea seems to have a stimulating effect on the immune system. Stronger immune system as a result of drinking Chinese diet green tea helps reduce risks of acquiring any illnesses.